Guest Blog – How Acupuncture Fixed My period

Read a guest blog by Kyla from The Sacred Essentials.


This is likely a blog just for the women…. Sorry guys I’ll see you on the next post. We’re talking menstrual cycle, symptoms, imbalances and working towards balancing it all out.

Bloating, fatigue, irritability, hair loss, palpitations, mood swings, problems with blood sugar, trouble concentrating, infertility, migraines….


Think of your hormones like a cake recipe… MMMMmm CAKE…

Too little or too much of any one ingredient will muck up the whole recipe. If our hormones are out of balance, our whole system will be put out of whack, and this causes legitimate problems. I am not a hormonal specialist but what I DO know is that the stats are HIGH for women living with an imbalance and men you aren’t off the hook either.
Stress, poor nutrition, poor sleeping habits, all contribute to balancing or creating imbalance with our hormonal system.



Increased sensitivity to cold or heat

Constipation or more frequent bowel movements

Unexplained weight loss (sometimes sudden)

Increased or decreased heart rate

Muscle weakness

Frequent urination

Increased thirst

Muscle aches, tenderness, and stiffness

Pain, stiffness, or swelling in your joints

Thinning hair or fine, brittle hair

Increased hunger


Decreased sex drive

Nervousness, anxiety, or irritability

Blurred vision

A fatty hump between the shoulders

Rounded face

Purple or pink stretch marks

Weight gain

Dry skin

Puffy face


  • heavy or irregular period
  • missed periods or stopped periods
  • hirsutism or excessive hair on the face, chin, or other parts of the body
  • acne on the face, chest, or upper back
  • thinning hair or hair loss
  • weight gain or trouble losing weight
  • darkening of skin, especially along neck creases, in the groin, and underneath breasts
  • skin tags
  • vaginal dryness
  • vaginal atrophy
  • night sweats
  • pain during sex


I had a period of time where I just didn’t get a period. I might maybe get one every 4-6 months for a day or two, and then nothing for ages.

I had been on birth control from the age of 15, originally to ease my

S U P E R S E V E R E abdominal cramping. I KNOW some of you relate to this…it’s unexplainable for anyone who has not experienced the level of pain a menstrual cramp can provide.

Fast forward 15 years, I took a break from birth control, it felt kind of gross to have hormones that weren’t naturally mine being brought into my body and I just wanted to NOT have to take a damn pill everyday.

I stopped and began the process of loosing my period, getting it for a day and losing it again, getting it short term a few months later and so on …

I ended up back on a few years later to regulate my cycle again as per my doctor.

It felt not right, yet again, as I came into my mid 30’s it was time I removed this foreign substance and worked at this from a more holistic approach.

I met Stef a year ago.

It wasn’t until this summer that we dove into talking about my cycle and the struggles that surround it.

I am 36 years old. My cycle is consistently INCONSISTENT. When it DOES show up it comes with pretty nasty cramping on day one, often to the point of not being able to get out of bed. As a self employed person this is a big deal. HECK as an adult, with any responsibility, this is a big deal.

My period also, as of the age 33-34 brought along with it a MIGRAINE. If you’ve had the pleasure of a migraine you know once again you likely are bed ridden, in the dark, feeling like you might throw up at any point… for hours.

SO…. Stef.


We put together a protocol… I mean SHE put together a protocol, we agreed to a THREE MONTH program of two accupuncture sessions a week ( which is basically two guaranteed mini nap and meditation opportunities) moving through 3 cycles.

Now keeping in mind my period would sometimes just not come at all, I was overjoyed when after 3 weeks together of twice weekly sessions


Now it came with cramps and a migraine…. B U T

Month two, I had NO MIGRAINE and only minor cramps for only a few hours.


Month three…. you guys, I had NO MIGRAINE and NO CRAMPS….

THIS IS HUGE… THIS IS NIGHT AND DAY….. This means I can function … and not only function but function OPTIMALLY. I can work, create, run errands, be present, live my life…

I continue now to see Stef just once every 2 weeks, which I absolutely love.


LOOK, I KNOW I AM NOT ALONE WITH HORMONAL IMBALANCES, and I can only imagine you’re tired of it too.

If you haven’t yet tried working with an acupuncturist , one who specializes in female hormones, what do you have to lose?

I would love to hear from you, and connect on this… we need to be talking more openly about what we all live with on a daily basis…

We’re in this together xoxo

P.S If you live in Victoria and want to connect with Stef you can find her on the IG @ritual.medicine , or @focushealthclinic OR


Tracking your BBT

How to tell if you are ovulating – Tracking your temperature BBT

Ovulation Marker #1 – Tracking your BBT

Tracking your basal body temperature, abbreviated as BBT, is one of the main, and most common ways to track ovulation.

Taking your BBT, involves taking your temperature at roughly the same time every morning before getting out of bed. This includes logging your results, either by paper chart, or one of the handy apps you can download on your phone, to keep track of daily measurements and patterns

How to track your BBT

In order to do so, you will need a thermometer that goes to 2 decimal points, for example 36.68C or 97.68F. This makes it easier to notice temperature shifts, which is what you are looking for.

After ovulation, a hormone called progesterone, is released from the same follicle that the egg came from. This release of progesterone creates a slight temperature increase in the body. This is how we know ovulation has occurred, by tracking BBT.

For example, if you are taking your temperature throughout your entire cycle (which is required to get an accurate reading) your temperature will be lower for the first half, and higher for the second half.

Understanding your menstrual cycle

If you are unsure about the different phases of the menstrual cycle, their duration and what’s happening, I encourage you to go back and read the previous posts:

Menstrual cycle simple explained

Your period

Follicular phase


Luteal phase

If a person has, say, a 28 day cycle (let me clarify though, a ‘normal’ cycle is anything between 21-35 days) from day 1 (first day of bleed) to day 14 (ovulation), body temperature would be roughly 2 tenths of a degree cooler than from day 15 to when bleeding starts again.

*If pregnancy occurs, progesterone levels continue to rise (throughout pregnancy) and therefor body temperature continues to rise and will not drop again at day 28.

You can purchase a BBT at any drug store, or easily off amazon. While you can get more fancy versions, it is not necessary, and you can easily get started with a thermometer for $20.

Apps to use when you start tracking your BBT

Some apps to check out are:

  • Kindara
  • Daisy
  • Natural Cycles
  • Clue
  • Period Tracker


It is important to remember, that in order to get accurate readings, you must take your temperature after 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep, at roughly the same time every morning, and certain things like drinking alcohol, staying up late, or illness will effect your body temperature.

If you need help with charting your cycle or learning to read your BBT, book your consult by calling 1 778 400 6360 or if you are not local, we can connect virtually by booking your 15 minute here.


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Tracking your BBT

importance of ovulation

The Importance of Ovulation (and its markers) for Women’s Health

A key marker for overall health

One of the key markers of a healthy menstrual cycle is ovulation, to catch yourself up on exactly what is happening during ovulation, check back to the original blog post here.

In addition to being paramount in conception, ovulation is ALSO important for the health of, your bones, cardiovascular system, and your overall endocrine (hormonal) system.

After reading the blog post ‘The ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle’ , you now know what is happening in your body, the next question is … how can you tell if you have ovulated?

How to tell if you have ovulated

There are three key markers (plus a bonus one) to help you tell if your body is ovulating, and if so, when it is.

The four markers of ovulation are :

  1. Basal Body Temperature or BBT / cycle charting
  2. Cervical fluid/mucous
  3. Position and firmness of cervix
  4. Mittelschmerz


The top three are markers, that if use correctly, are very accurate ovulation predictors.

One of the things I always educate my patients on is the importance of presence over prediction. While most often, the cycle tracking apps we have on our phones, or when we are planning ahead as to when we can expect our next period – it is usually based on past cycles and using that old data to predict what will happen and when, during this upcoming cycle.

Your whole menstrual cycle, and especially ovulation and your period, is a report card of the last few weeks, or months, of your life. There are many factors that may change the duration of one or more of the phases of your menstrual cycle, and tuning into that is more important than what date you ovulated last cycle.

Disruptors of healthy ovulation

Things that may disrupt regular cycle patterning are:

  • Travelling
  • Changing time zones
  • Daylight savings
  • Stress (this includes good stress like planning a wedding or going on vacation)
  • Lack of nutrition / change in diet
  • Illness

Observing ovulation during your cycle is important for understanding your body and your overall health.

It is an easy way to keep track of how your hormones, your physical and emotional body are doing.


Book your consult by calling 1 778 400 6360 or if you are not local, we can connect virtually by booking your 15 minute here.


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importance of ovulation