Acupuncture for Postpartum

Why get acupuncture after birth?

Pregnancy and birth are powerful, life changing experiences. Postpartum acupuncture offers physical and emotional support during this beautiful and important transition

In China, the first few weeks after childbirth are called Chan Ru (childbirth mattress) or Zao Yue Zi (sitting the month).

The concept of adequate rest to ensure women are completely recovered from childbirth is an important part of Asian societies.

Also termed the “Golden Month” or “Sitting Moon” this was a time of rest and eating specific foods to assist in recovery for 28 days.

This is not a time for absolute bed rest but rather a time where physical rest is taken at every opportunity, exercise is appropriate (not an exhausting attempt to get back into shape), and a diet that focuses on building blood and energy.

Since this isn’t necessarily possible for many women in this day and age, using other recovery tools (like acupuncture) can help recoup after pregnancy and labor.

Postpartum acupuncture works to support optimal health for mum and babe.

What does acupuncture do ?

Depending on which body points are targeted and where the needles are inserted, acupuncture can,

  •   cause the nervous system to produce painkilling chemicals, or neurotransmitters
  •    jump-start the body’s natural ability to heal itself by resetting the nervous system from its fight or flight activation to rest and digest setting
  •   stimulate the part of the brain that releases feel-good hormones and controls emotions, including depression and anxiety

Is it safe?


(really, with acupuncture there are no/minimal side effects or post treatment down time)

Postpartum acupuncture can help:

  • Issues with lactation
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Postpartum depression or “baby blues”
  • Night sweats
  • Decreased energy
  • Mastitis
  • Persistent bleeding
  • Recovery from C-section or traumatic birth

When to start postpartum acupuncture?

Best case scenario is to begin treatments as soon after delivery as possible. For most of my patients, getting out of the house and to a treatment for the first few weeks can be challenging. For this reason, we always pre book a postpartum visit at 4-6 weeks.

It is never too late to begin treatments postpartum, even 1-2 years after delivery. If you are still suffering from symptoms like fatigue, mood disturbances, anxiety, irregular bleeding etc, acupuncture can help!


To ask questions or book an appointment, call 1 778 400 6360

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